Compiler Messages tool window

The Compiler Messages tool window collects warning and errors generated by the compiler when you select or reload a formula. These messages are intended for formula authors. If you encounter errors in a formula that you did not write yourself, it is best to contact the author of the formula.

To open the Compiler Messages tool window if it is hidden, click Tool Windows on the Window menu, and then click Compiler Messages.

Ultra Fractal compilermessages Compiler Messages tool window

The tool window attaches itself to the most recently compiled formula. It also shows any run-time messages generated by the attached formula when it is used for fractal calculations. Run-time messages can be used for debugging purposes.

Ultra Fractal reload Compiler Messages tool window  

To make sure the Compiler Messages tool window is attached to a particular formula, click the Reload button for the formula in one of the tabs of the Layer Properties tool window.

Double-click a message to open the line of code that corresponds to the message in the formula editor, so you can inspect the code and correct the error. Click the Help on Error button to get help about the selected message.

For more information on a specific control, click the help button in the title bar of the tool window, and then click the control, or move the mouse over the control while the Fractal Mode tool window is open.

See Also
Writing formulas
Tool windows

Compiler Messages tool window