Adding a third layer
Let’s explore another way to work with layers.
Click on the Layer 1 layer and then on the Add Layer button.
Note that a new layer appears at the top of the list and that it is identical to Layer 1 in every respect except for its name, which is Layer 2.
These layer names start to get confusing, so let’s give them more descriptive names.
- Right-click on the Background layer and choose Rename from the right-click menu. Type Coloring as its new name and press Enter.
- Rename the middle (Layer 1) layer Texture.
- Rename the top layer Web.
The Texture and Web layers still look the same, they just have different names.
With the Web layer highlighted, go to the Outside tab of the Layer Properties tool window and click on the Browse button.
- Select the Orbit Traps coloring algorithm from the right pane and click Open.
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One method of naming layers is to use the coloring algorithm applied to that layer, except that can get confusing if you use the same algorithm on more than one layer. Another idea is to give them functional names that relate to what effects they contribute to the overall image.
Note: There is no right or wrong way to name layers and indeed you may never want to rename them at all. You will eventually develop a system that is meaningful to you. |
This creates a soft, gentle effect that you might be interested in pursuing at another time, so let’s make a duplicate of the whole fractal and save it for later.
- Select Duplicate from the File menu.
Notice that the name of the duplicate is Copy of Phoenix Julia 1. Save the duplicate image either as a parameter or fractal file. You can choose to keep this name, or give it another, as you wish.
Next: Transparency in the gradient
Adding a third layer