Adding outside coloring

Next, let’s apply a coloring algorithm to this image.

Ultra Fractal browse Adding outside coloring  

Click on the Outside tab of the Layer Properties tool window and then click the Browse button.

  • Select the Smooth (Mandelbrot) entry in the right pane of the “Select Outside Coloring Algorithm” browser and then click Open.

If you cannot find it, make sure Standard.ucl is selected in the left pane first.

Ultra Fractal pjgrad1 Adding outside coloring Ultra Fractal transparent Adding outside coloring
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The Smooth (Mandelbrot) coloring algorithm

This is not very pretty but we can make some improvements by changing two of the coloring settings.

  • Change the Transfer Function to Sqrt, which makes the image less busy…
Ultra Fractal pjgrad2 Adding outside coloring  
Ultra Fractal learnmore Adding outside coloring
Coloring settings
  • … and change the Color Density to 5 to add in a few more colors.

Ultra Fractal pjgrad3 Adding outside coloring

Next: Working with the gradient

Adding outside coloring