Using the Kaleidoscope transformation

Before we add another layer, let’s rename this layer in the Layers tab of the Fractal Properties tool window.

  • Rename the current layer Lake.
  • Add another layer and rename it Sky.

Go ahead and leave the Normal merge mode and 100% opacity settings as they are. This means we will not be seeing the bottom layer for a bit.

Ultra Fractal deletelayer Using the Kaleidoscope transformation  

On the Mapping tab of the Layer Properties tool window, delete the Lake transform by clicking the Delete button.

The layer again looks like our Newton 1 image from the Quick Start tutorial.

  • Add a new transformation — the Kaleidoscope transformation in Standard.uxf.

We are going to keep the default settings for this layer, but this transformation has a lot of interesting effects you may want to pursue at a later time.

Ultra Fractal kaleid Using the Kaleidoscope transformation

Ultra Fractal transparent Using the Kaleidoscope transformation
Ultra Fractal learnmore Using the Kaleidoscope transformation
The Kaleidoscope Transformation

Next: Using 3D Mapping

Using the Kaleidoscope transformation