
To print a fractal in Ultra Fractal, first render it to disk, and then print it using a separate graphics program such as Paint (included in Windows) or Adobe Photoshop. This gives you ultimate flexibility in how to render and print your fractals.

  1. Open the fractal you want to print, and click Render to Disk on the Fractal menu to open the Render to Disk dialog.
  2. Enter a file name for the rendered fractal so you can open it later.
  3. Choose a file format that your graphics program can open. For Paint, it’s best to use Bitmap image (*.bmp).
  4. Enter the desired width and height in cm or inch, and enter the desired resolution. In general, 300 pixels/inch (DPI) gives decent printing quality.
  5. Click OK to start rendering. The Render to Disk tool window will open and show the rendering progress. When the render job is complete, it will disappear from the list.
  6. Open your graphics program, and then open the rendered image using the file name that you entered in step 2.
  7. Now print the image using the commands in your graphics program. In Paint, use the Page Setup and Print Preview commands on the File menu until you are satisfied with the layout, and then click Print on the File menu. (In Windows 7, these commands are located on the ribbon at the top of Paint’s window.)

Tip: You can experiment with turning anti-aliasing off when printing. Anti-aliasing gives better quality, but the image can take a lot longer to render. With printed images, if the resolution is high enough, the difference might not be visible.

See Also
Exporting and rendering
